You can print a sticky note, which means you can also create a PDF of the note. For this to work, while in Floating Window mode, you first need to click on the note to make Stickies the active app. To see when a note was created or last modified, hover your pointer over the note until the information appears. Currently, scroll bars become visible temporarily only, To scroll through a sticky note, use your scroll gesture or arrow keys. This is useful if you need to refer frequently to information on a sticky note or want to keep a note within easy reach for collecting your text snippets and pasted items.
In the Stickies app, choose Note > Floating Window. You can choose to keep a sticky note in front of other windows. When you’re working with a sticky note, you can keep it positioned where you can always see it, resize the note, format the text, scroll the text, see information about the note, or print it. What other useful features can be found in Stickies? However, in many cases, if your selected text block includes images, they will also appear in the sticky note. When you perform this type of capture from web pages, you will generally lose any text formatting.

How cool is that? A handy way to remember the key combination is to think of the 'Y' as meaning Yellow sticky note – the default color for a new note. Did you see what happened? Appearing right before your eyes is a new sticky note containing the text you highlighted in the browser. Once selected, press the key combination Shift-Command-Y.

OK… right now… select this sentence by dragging your pointer over the words. For this to work, I am assuming you are reading this article on your modern Mac. I'll give you one example of Stickies' utility, particularly if you're someone who does a lot of research on the web. There are so many ways to use Stickies to enhance your workflow. You can make lists, and include graphics. You can have as many sticky notes as you want, in different colors and text formatting.
The basic idea is that whatever you type in a sticky note is automatically saved, and notes appear either "pinned" to your desktop or floating in front of other application windows – even across multiple reboots. If you find Stickies as handy as I do, consider keeping it on the Dock and/or have it open automatically at login. Open Stickies it's in the Applications folder. Let's take a closer look at the Stickies app. I use both the paper and the virtual varieties all the time. The "Stickies" name comes from the fact that this app mimics the real-life "sticky notes." You know, the yellow paper ones you keep your passwords on and stuck onto your Mac's screen. Yet, Stickies has evolved in functionality to what it is today under Mountain Lion. Stickies has been around for years – it's older than the hills. Stickies is yet another one of these unpretentious treasures that patiently wait in your Applications folder for you to discover. The Stickies application is located in the Applications folder. We'll focus on this last one: Stickies, the app. Apple gives us no less than six distinct methods of creating notes: The Notes app (new in Mountain Lion), the Mail Notes feature (in Lion), TextEdit (for more than just notes), the Keychain Access utility for creating secure notes, the Stickies Dashboard Widget, and the Stickies app. Problems they are trying to solve are served perfectly well by these freebies.
However, I find that once Mac users discover the built-in apps, they are delighted to learn that they need not spend any more of their hard-earned money for the alternative apps. A lot of third-party developers repurpose and enhance the functionality delivered by these Apple apps. Other apps – most being quite useful – are out-of-view and inside the Applications folder, the Utilities folder and elsewhere. Some are obviously available via the Dock by default.
In past articles here on TMO, I have enjoyed pointing out and discussing the free applications that are included with every new Mac.